What is a Reformed church/theology?
A Reformed church is a church that is established on the principles of the Reformation: That is,
1. Scripture alone:The Bible alone is our ultimate authority: not the pope, not the church, not the traditions of the church or church councils, not
personal intimations or subjective feelings, but Scripture alone.
2. Christ alone: That is, salvation has been accomplished once for all by the mediatorial work of the historical Jesus Christ alone. His sinless life and
substitutionary atonement alone are sufficient for our justification, and any gospel that fails to acknowledge that or denies it is a false gospel that
will save no one.
3. Grace Alone: means human beings have no claim upon God. God owes us nothing except punishment for our many and wilful sins. Therefore if
God does save sinners, which he does in the case of some but not all, it is only because it pleases him to do it. Since our lost condition, human
beings are not capable of winning, seeking out, or even cooperating with God’s grace. No human methods, techniques or strategies in themselves
can bring anyone to faith in Christ. It is grace alone expressed through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that brings us to Christ, releasing
us from our bondage to sin and raising us from death to spiritual life.
4. Faith alone or Justification by faith alone: Justification is a declaration of God based on the work of Christ. It flows from God’s grace and it comes
to the individual not by anything he or she might do but by faith alone. In short Justification is an act of God by which he declares sinners to be
righteous because of Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone.
5. Glory of God alone: since all things are from God and to God we say to God alone be the glory.
1. Scripture alone:The Bible alone is our ultimate authority: not the pope, not the church, not the traditions of the church or church councils, not
personal intimations or subjective feelings, but Scripture alone.
2. Christ alone: That is, salvation has been accomplished once for all by the mediatorial work of the historical Jesus Christ alone. His sinless life and
substitutionary atonement alone are sufficient for our justification, and any gospel that fails to acknowledge that or denies it is a false gospel that
will save no one.
3. Grace Alone: means human beings have no claim upon God. God owes us nothing except punishment for our many and wilful sins. Therefore if
God does save sinners, which he does in the case of some but not all, it is only because it pleases him to do it. Since our lost condition, human
beings are not capable of winning, seeking out, or even cooperating with God’s grace. No human methods, techniques or strategies in themselves
can bring anyone to faith in Christ. It is grace alone expressed through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that brings us to Christ, releasing
us from our bondage to sin and raising us from death to spiritual life.
4. Faith alone or Justification by faith alone: Justification is a declaration of God based on the work of Christ. It flows from God’s grace and it comes
to the individual not by anything he or she might do but by faith alone. In short Justification is an act of God by which he declares sinners to be
righteous because of Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone.
5. Glory of God alone: since all things are from God and to God we say to God alone be the glory.
Why do we sing hymns and not choruses?
In children’s ministry we sing a few carefully selected and biblically sound choruses. At our worship services we sing only traditional hymns and some of them have choruses. We much prefer those biblically sound, deep and carefully written traditional hymns which have survived the test of time and still speak to so many hearts today. We find that most of the choruses sang today are very shallow and theologically unsound. There is not anything in them to grip the heart of the believer. It is heartbreaking to see how choruses are rapidly replacing traditional hymns! This is a sad departure from traditional Christianity and this might be one of the factors which have contributed to this consumer oriented worship services that is so prevalent today.
Why do we not have bands and other instruments in our worship?
It is amazing what the question is today! Not why do we have bands? But why don’t we have a band?
We see the band as an imitation of the methods of a godless world. As we see in 1 Corinthians 10:6 the children of Israel while they were not guilty of sensual sins lusted after the fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. While these were wholesome foods and not sin in itself, the sinful element was in desiring these foods, the people wanted the life style of Egypt. They complained that the Manna of God was not enough for them and that they needed these foods to make the Manna bearable.
It is when Christian people are not satisfied with the wonderful liberated nature of spiritual worship, together with the inexpressible riches of the Word that they offend their God. It is when they want to put musical garlic, melons and cucumbers with God’s provisions and they feel that they need flavouring with the entertainments of this world that they commit a great sin, and God is grieved. This is exactly what the band does.
We see the band as an imitation of the methods of a godless world. As we see in 1 Corinthians 10:6 the children of Israel while they were not guilty of sensual sins lusted after the fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. While these were wholesome foods and not sin in itself, the sinful element was in desiring these foods, the people wanted the life style of Egypt. They complained that the Manna of God was not enough for them and that they needed these foods to make the Manna bearable.
It is when Christian people are not satisfied with the wonderful liberated nature of spiritual worship, together with the inexpressible riches of the Word that they offend their God. It is when they want to put musical garlic, melons and cucumbers with God’s provisions and they feel that they need flavouring with the entertainments of this world that they commit a great sin, and God is grieved. This is exactly what the band does.
Why do we spend the whole day (Sunday) at church?
Spending the entire Lord’s Day at church is not an absolute necessity. Most people who reside close to the church go home after the morning service and those that are involved in Sunday school ministry return in time to serve. Other members return for the evening Gospel service.
Those who live far from the church usually have lunch at the church and enjoy warm Christian fellowship with one another during and after lunch.
In any case since our church believes in the working church concept most of our members are involved in one ministry or another and sometimes going home( especially those who live miles away ) cut them from their Lord’s Day Christian service.
It is more beneficial for us as a church to spend the entire Lord’s Day together. We as a church believe in the Lord’s Day and not the Lord’s hour.
Those who live far from the church usually have lunch at the church and enjoy warm Christian fellowship with one another during and after lunch.
In any case since our church believes in the working church concept most of our members are involved in one ministry or another and sometimes going home( especially those who live miles away ) cut them from their Lord’s Day Christian service.
It is more beneficial for us as a church to spend the entire Lord’s Day together. We as a church believe in the Lord’s Day and not the Lord’s hour.